More than half of these 100 a thousand Portuguese families, who at this moment pass hunger and misery, is for guilt of the BCP that continues to extort the goods to these "" become indebted families shareholders "" burladas in venda fraudulent of Proper Shares BCP in 2000/2001 and 2002 (Campaign Millenniumbcp shareholder). These "debts of manipulated credits," are entered in the BdP... They are the such debts that never will be paid, because it has to have with the such famous credits of millions of proper shares BCP in 2000/2001 and 2002 and that currently they are in inquiry for the MP and CMVM. The responsible ones of these extortions must severely be punished. They investigate the interlocutors of these negotiations, for exº: Dr. João Lourenço, Dr. Pablo Roriz, Dr. Rui Lopes, Dr. Spartlei, Dr. António Lencastre Maria, Drª Olga Cardoso, Dr. Jorge Hisses and others. I think that still he walks criminal very hidden... They also investigate the paper, in all this process, of "intrum justitia", "Domus Venda", "Atlantis Published for MILLENNIUMBCP CRIME in 13:00
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